Publication Date
8/19/2022 |
Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology |
Andrzejaczek, S., Lucas, T.C., Goodman, M.C., Hussey, N.E., Armstrong, A.J., Carsisle, A., Coffee, C.M., Gleiss, A.X., Huveneers, C., Curnick, D.J. et. al. | Science Advances, |
8/14/2019 | Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries (with Supplement) | Queiroz, N., Humphries, N.E., Couto, A., Vedor, M., da Costa, I., Sequeira, A.M.M., Mucientes, G., Santos, A.M., et. al. | Nature, |
9/3/2018 | The political biogeography of migratory marine predators | Harrison, A.L., Costa, D.P., Winship, A.J., Benson, S.R., Bograd, S.J., Antolos, M., Carlisle, A.B., Dewar, H., Dutton, P.H., Jorgensen, S.J., Kohin, S., Mate, BlR., Robinson, P.W., Schaefer, K.M., Shaffer, S.A., Shillinger, G.L., Simmons, S.E., Weng, K.C., Gjerde, K.M., and Block, B.A. | Nature Eology & Evolution 2, 1571-1578, 2018 |
2/22/2018 | Tracking the Global Footprint of Fisheries | Kroodsma, D.A., Joyorga, J., Hochberg, T., Miller, N.A., Boerder, K., Ferretti, F., Wilson, A., Bergman, B., White, T.D., Block, B.A., Woods, P., Sullivan, B., Costello, C., and Worm, B. | Science 359, 904-908, 2018 |
9/25/2015 | Direct quantification of energy intake in an apex marine predator suggests physiology is a key driver of migrations | Whitlock, R.E., Hazen, E.L., Walli, A., Farwell, C., Bograd, S.J., Foley, D.G., Castleton, M., and Block, B.A. | Sci. Adv. 2015;1:e1400270 |
7/7/2015 | Assessing niche width of endothermic fish from genes to ecosystem | Madigan, D.J., Carlisle, A.B., Gardner, L.D., Jayasundara, N., Micheli, F., Schaefer, K.M., Fuller, D.W., and Block, B.A. | PNAS 112 (27) 8350-8355 |
2/11/2015 | Electronic tagging of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, L.) reveals habitat use and behaviors in the Mediterranean Sea | Cermeño, P., Quílez-Badia, G., Ospina-Alvarez, A., Sainz-Trápaga, S., Boustany, A.M., Seitz, A.C., Tudela, S. and Block, B.A. | PLoS ONE 10 (2): e0116638. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116638 |
12/10/2014 | Stable isotope analysis of vertebrae reveals ontogenetic changes in habitat in an endothermic pelagic shark (with Supplement) | Carlisle, A.B., Goldman, K.J., Litvin, S.Y., Madigan, D.J., Bigman, J.S., Swithenbank, A.M., Kline, T.C. and Block, B.A. | Proceedings of the Royal Society B, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.1446. |
8/8/2014 | Bioenergetics of captive Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) | Estess, E.E., Coffey, D.M., Shimose, T., Seitz, A.C., Rodriguez, L., Norton, A., Block, B., and Farwell, C. | Aquaculture 434, 137-144, 2014 |
6/10/2014 | Ontogenetic changes in skeletal muscle fiber type, fiber diameter and myoglobin concentration in the Northern elephant seal (Mirouanga angustirostris) |
Moore, C. D., Crocker, D. E., Fahlman, A., Moore, M. J., Willoughby, D. S., Robbins, K. A., Kanatous, S. B., and Trumble, S. J. |
Frontiers in Physiology, doi: 10.3389/fphys.2014.00217 |
6/4/2014 | High fatty acid oxidation capacity and phosphorylation control despite elevated leak and reduced respiratory capacity in northern elephant seal muscle mitochondria |
Chicco, A. J., Le, C. H., Schlater, A. E., Nguyen, A. D., Kaye, S. D., Beals, J. W., Scalzo, R. L., Bell, C., Gnaiger, E., Costa, D. P., Crocker, D. E., and Kanatous, S. B. | Journal of Experimental Biology, doi:10.1242/jeb.105916 |
6/2/2014 | As the Egg Turns: Monitoring Egg Attendance Behavior in Wild Birds Using Novel Data Logging Technology | Shaffer, S. A., Clatterbuck, C. A., Kelsey, E. C., Naiman, A. D., Young, L. C., VanderWerf, E. A., Warzybok, P., Bradley, R., Jahncke, J. and Bower, G. C. |
PLoS ONE 9(6): e97898. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097898 |
6/2014 | Reconstructing transoceanic migration patterns of Pacific bluefin tuna using a chemical tracer toolbox |
Madigan, D. J., Baumann, Z., Carlisle, A. B., Hoen, D. K., Popp, B. N., Dewar, H., Snodgrass, O. E., Block, B. A., & Fisher, N. S. |
Ecology, DOI: 10.1890/13-1467.1 |
5/21/2014 | Mobilisations of lipophilic pollutants from blubber in northern elephant seal pups (Mirounga angustirostris) during the post-weaning fast | Louis, C., Dirtu, A. C., Stas, M., Guiot, Y., Malarvannan, G., Das, K., Costa, D. P., Crocker, D. E., Covaci, A., and Debier, C. | Environmental Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2014.04.016 |
5/1/2014 | Free-swimming northern elephant seals have low field metabolic rates that are sensitive to an increased cost of transport | Maresh, J. L., Simmons, S. E., Crocker, D. E., McDonald, B. I., Williams, T. M., and Costa, D. P. |
Journal of Experimental Biology, doi: 10.1242/jeb.094201 |
4/2/2014 | Assessment of genetic structure among eastern North Pacific gray whales on their feeding grounds |
Lang, A. R., Calambokidis, J., Scordino, J., Pease, V. L., Klimek, A., Burkanov, V. N., Gearin, P., Litovka, D. I., Robertson, K. M., Mate, B. R., Jacobson, J. K., Taylor, B. L. |
Marine Mammal Science, DOI: 10.1111/mms.12129 |
3/26/2014 |
Thermal benefits of aggregation in a large marine endotherm: huddling in California sea lions |
Liwanag, H. E. M., Oraze, J., Costa, D. P., and Williams, T. M. | Journal of Zoology, 10.1111/jzo.12130 |
3/24/2014 |
Deepwater Horizon crude oil impacts the developing hearts of large predatory pelagic fish
Incardona, J. P., Gardner, L. D., Linbo, T. L., Brown, T. L., Esbaugh, A. J., Mager, E. M., Stieglitz, J. D., French, B. L., Labenia, J. S., Laetz, C. A., Tagal, M., Sloan, C. A., Elizur, A., Benetti, D. D., Grosell, M., Block, B. A. & Scholz, N. L. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1320950111 |
2/4/2014 | Rosenbaum, H. C., Maxwell, S. M., Kershaw, F., and Mate, B. |
Conservation Biology, DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12225 |
1/27/2014 | Using short-term measures of behaviour to estimate long-term fitness of southern elephant seals | New, L. F., Clark, J. S., Costa, D. P., Fleishman, E., Hindell, M. A., Klanjscek, T., Lusseau, D., Kraus, S., McMahon, C. R., Robinson, P. W., Schick, R. S., Schwarz, L. K., Simmons, S. E., Thomas, L., Tyack, P., and Harwood, J. |
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 496:99-108 doi: 10.3354/meps10547 |
1/27/2014 | Amino acid isotope incorporation and enrichment factors in Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis | Bradley, C.J., Madigan, D.J., Block, B.A., and Popp, B.N. | PLoS ONE 9(1): e85818. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085818 |
1/19/2014 | Interannual variation in the at-sea behavior of California sea lions (Zalophus califonianus) | Kuhn, C. E., and Costa, D. P. | Marine Mammal Science, DOI: 10.1111/mms.12110 |
1/8/2014 | Predicting bycatch hotspots for endangered leatherback turtles on longlines in the Pacific Ocean | Roe, J.H., Morreale, S.J., Paladino, F.V., Shillinger, G.L., Benson, S.R., Eckert, S.A., Bailey, H., Santidrian Tomillo, P., Bograd, S.J., Eguchi, T., Dutton, P.H., Seminoff, J.A., Block, B. A., and Spotila, J.R. | Proc. R. Soc. B 2014 281, 20132559 |
12/23/2013 | Blood Oxygen Depletion Is Independent of Dive Function in a Deep Diving Vertebrate, the Northern Elephant Seal | Meir, J. U., Robinson, P. W., Vilchis, L. I., Kooyman, G. L., Costa, D. P., and Ponganis, P. J. | PLoS ONE 8(12): e83248. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083248 |
11/22/2013 | Divergent post-breeding distribution and habitat associations of fledgling and adult Black-footed Albatrosses Phoebastria nigripes in the North Pacific | Gutowsky, S. E., Tremblay, Y., Kappes, M. A., Flint, E. N., Klavitter, J., Laniawe, L., Costa, D. P., Naughton, M. B., Romano, M. D., and Shaffer, S. A. | Ibis, DOI: 10.1111/ibi.12119 |
11/13/2013 | Movement and diving patterns of juvenile male South American sea lions off the coast of central Chile | Hückstädt, L. A., Quiñones, R. A., Sepúlveda, M., and Costa, D. P. | Marine Mammal Science, DOI: 10.1111/mms.12085 |
11/1/2013 | Effects of temperature acclimation on Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) cardiac transcriptome | Jayasundara, N., Gardner, L. D., and Block, B. A. | American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, DOI: 10.1152/ajpregu.00254.2013 |
11/1/2013 | Quantifying energy intake in Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) using the heat increment of feeding | Whitlock, R. E., Walli, A., Cermeño, P., Rodriguez, L. E., Farwell, C., and Block, B. A. | The Journal of Experimental Biology, doi: 10.1242/ jeb.084335 |
10/28/2013 | Cumulative human impacts on marine predators | Maxwell, S.M., Hazen, E.L., Bograd, S.J., Halpern, B.S., Breed, G.A., Nickel, B., Teutschel, N.M., Crowder, L.B., Benson, S., Dutton, P.H., Bailey, H., Kappes, M., Kuhn, C.E., Weise, M.J., Mate, B., Shaffer, S.A., Hassrick, J.L., Henry, R.W., Irvine, L., McDonald, B.I., Robinson, P.W., Block, B.A., and Costa, D.P. | Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3688 |
10/15/2013 | Exxon Valdez to Deepwater Horizon: Comparable toxicity of both crude oils to fish early life stages | Incardona, J. P., Swarts, T. L., Edmunds, R. C., Linbo, T. L., Aquilina-Beck, A., Sloan, C. A., Gardner, L.D., Block, B.A., and Scholz, N. L | Aquatic Toxicology, DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.08.011 |
9/30/2013 | High predation on small populations: avian predation on imperiled salmonids | Osterback, A. M. K., Frechette, D. M., Shelton, A. O., Hayes, S. A., Bond, M. H., Shaffer, S. A., and Moore, J. W. | Ecosphere, DOI: 10.1890/ES13-00100.1 |
8/15/2013 | Individual Foraging Strategies Reveal Niche Overlap between Endangered Galapagos Pinnipeds | Villegas-Amtmann, S., Jeglinski, J. W., Costa, D. P., Robinson, P. W., and Trillmich, F. | PLoS ONE 8(8): e70748. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0070748 |
7/19/2013 | Estimating resource acquisition and at-sea body condition of a marine predator | Schick, R. S., New, L. F., Thomas, L., Costa, D. P., Hindell, M. A., McMahon, C. R., Robinson P. W., Simmons, S. E., Thums, M., Harwood, J., and Clark, J. S. | Journal of Animal Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12102 |
7/17/2013 | Using Energetic Models to Investigate the Survival and Reproduction of Beaked Whales (family Ziphiidae) | New, L. F., Moretti, D. J., Hooker, S. K., Costa, D. P., and Simmons, S. E. | PLoS ONE 8(7): e68725. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0068725 |
7/17/2013 | Travelling light: white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) rely on body lipid stores to power ocean-basin scale migration | Del Raye, G., Jorgensen, S.J., Krumhansl, K., Excurra, J.M., and Block, B.A. | Proc R Soc B 280:20130836. |
6/18/2013 | Offshore Gray Whale Satellite Tagging in the Pacific Northwest | Mate, B. |
Prepared for: Commander, Pacific Fleet Pearl Harbor, Hawaii |
6/3/2013 | Effects of maternal age and mass on foraging behaviour and foraging success in the northern elephant seal | Hassrick, J. L., Crocker, D. E., and Costa, D. P. | Functional Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12108 |
5/15/2013 | Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Isolated from Free-Ranging Northern Elephant Seals in 2010 off the Central California Coast | Goldstein, T., Mena, I., Anthony, S. J., Medina, R., Robinson, P. W., Greig, D. J., Costa, D. P., Lipkin, W. I., Garcia-Sastre, A., and Boyce, W. M |
PLoS ONE 8(5): e62259. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062259 |
5/9/2013 | Heart rate responses to temperature in free-swimming Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) | Clark, T. D., Farwell, C. J., Rodriguez, L. E., Brandt, W. T., and Block, B. A. |
The Journal of Experimental Biology, doi: 10.1242/ jeb.086546 |
14/3/2013 | A profile of carbohydrate metabolites in the fasting northern elephant seal | Champagne, C. D., Boaz, S. M., Fowler, M. A., Houser, D. S., Costa, D. P., and Crocker, D. E. |
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, DOI: 10.1016/j.cbd.2013.02.002 |
2/27/2013 | Top-down and bottom-up influences on demographic rates of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella | Schwarz, L. K., Goebel, M. E., Costa, D. P., and Kilpatrick, A. M. | Journal of Animal Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12059 |
2/1/2013 | Mobile receivers: releasing the mooring to 'see' where fish go | Hayes, S. A., Teutschel, N. M., Michel, C. J., Champagne, C., Robinson, P. W., Fowler, M., ... and MacFarlane, R. B. | Evironmental Biology of Fishes, 10.1007/s10641-011-9940-x |
1/25/2013 | Same size - same niche? Foraging niche separation between sympatric juvenile Galapagos sea lions and adult Galapagos fur seals | Jeglinski, J. W., Goetz, K. T., Werner, C., Costa, D. P., and Trillmich, F. | Journal of Animal Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12019 |
12/31/2012 | Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) Diet in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and on the Eastern Scotian Shelf | Pleizier, N. K., Campana, S. E., Schallert, R. J., Wilson, S. G., and Block, B. A. |
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, doi:10.2960/J.v44.m685 |
11/7/2012 | Tissue Turnover Rates and Isotopic Trophic Discrimination Factors in the Endothermic Teleost, Pacific Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus orientalis) | Madigan, D. J., Litvin, S. Y., Popp, B. N., Carlisle, A. B., Farwell, C. J., and Block, B. A. |
PLOS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049220 |
10/29/2012 | Eating or meeting? Cluster analysis reveals intricacies of white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) migration and offshore behavior | Jorgensen, S.J., Arnoldi, N.S., Estess, E.E., Chapple, T.K., Richert, M., Anderson, S.D., and Block, B.A. |
PLoS ONE 7(10): e47819. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047819 |
9/23/2012 |
Predicted habitat shifts of Pacific top predators in a changing climate (with supplement) |
Hazen, E.L., Jorgensen, S., Rykaczewski, R.R., Bograd, S.J., Foley, D.G., Jonsen, I.D., Shaffer, S.A., Dunne, J.P., Costa, D.P., Crowder, L.B., and Block, B.A. | Nature Climate Change: doi:10.1038/nclimate1686 (2012) |
9/13/2012 | Stable isotopic analysis challenges wasp-waisted food web assumptions in an upwelling pelagic ecosystem | Madigan, D.J., Carlisle, A.B., Dewar, H., Snodgrass, O.E., Litvin, S.Y., Micheli, F. and Block, B.A. |
Scientific Reports 2:645. DOI: 10.1038/srep00654 |
5/16/2012 | Movement patterns for a critically endangered species, the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), linked to foraging success and population status | Bailey, H., Fossette, S., Bograd, S.J., Shillinger, G.L., Swithenbank, A.M., Georges, J-Y, Gaspar, P., Stromberg, K.H.P., Paladino, F.V., Spotila, J.R., Block, B.A., and Hays, G.C. |
PLoS ONE 7(5): e36401. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036401 |
5/15/2012 | Foraging behavior and success of a mesopelagic predator in the northeast Pacific Ocean: Insights from a data-rich species, the northern elephant seal | Robinson, P.W., Costa, D.P., Crocker, D.E., Gallo -Reynoso, J.P., Champagne, C.D., Fowler, M.A., Goetsch, C., Goetz, K.T., Hassrick, J.L., Huckstadt, L.A., Kuhn, C.E., Maresh, J.L., Maxwell, S.M., McDonald, B.I., Peterson, S.H., Simmons, Samantha E., Teutschel, N.M., Villegas-Amtmann, S., and Yoda, K. |
PLoS ONE 7(5): e36728. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036728 |
4/25/2012 | Modeling swordfish daytime vertical habitat in the North Pacific from pop-up archival tags | Abecassis, M., Dewar, H., Hawn, D., Polovina, J. |
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 452: 219-236 (2012)
doi: 10.3354/meps09583
4/1/2012 | Identification of distinct movement patterns in Pacific leatherback turtle populations influenced by ocean conditions | Bailey, H., Benson, S.R., Shillinger, G.L., Bograd, S.J., Dutton, P.H., Eckert, S.A., Morreale, S.J., Paladino, F.V., Eguchi, T., Foley, D.G., Block, B.A., Piedra, R., Hitipeuw, C., Tapilatu, R.F., and Spotila, J.R. | Ecological Applications 22 (3) 735-747 (2012) |
4/1/2012 | Thermal dependence of cardiac SR Ca2+-ATPase from fish and mammals | Landeira-Fernandez, A. M., Castilho, P. C., and Block, B. A. | Journal of Thermal Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2012.01.003 |
2/15/2012 | Using stable isotope analysis to understand the migration and trophic ecology of northeastern Pacific white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) | Carlisle, A.B., Kim, S.L., Semmens, B.X., Madigan, D.J., Jorgensen, S.J., Perle, C.R., Anderson, S.D., Chapple, T.K., Kanive, P.E. and Block, B.A. |
PLoS ONE 7(2): e30492. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030492 |
1/8/2012 | Whitlock, R.E., McAllister, M.K., and Block, B.A. |
Fisheries Research 119– 120 (2012) 115– 127 (2012) |
12/9/2011 | Atlantic Bluefin Tuna: A Novel Multistock Spatial Model for Assessing Population Biomass | Taylor, N.G., McAllister, M., Lawson, G.L., Carruthers, T., Block, B.A. |
PLoS ONE 6(12): e27693. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027693 |
11/22/2011 | Teo, S.L., Sandstrom, P.T., Chapman, E.D., Null, R.E., Brown, K., Klimley, A.P., Block, B.A. |
Environ Biol Fish DOI 10.1007/s10641-011-9938-4
11/3/2011 | State-space framework for estimating measurement error from double-tagging telemetry experiments | Winship, A.J., Jorgensen, S.J., Shaffer, S.A., Jonsen, I.D., Robinson, P.W., Costa, D.P., and Block, B.A. |
Marine Mammal Science. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2011.00527.x |
10/25/2011 | Seasonal changes in depth distribution of salmon sharks (Lamna ditropis) in Alaskan waters: implications for foraging ecology | Carlisle, A.B., Perle, C.R., Goldman, K.J. and Block, B.A. |
Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68: 1905–1921 |
9/29/2011 | Benthic foraging on seamounts: A specialized foraging behavior in a deep-diving pinniped | Maxwell, S.M., Frank, J.J., Breed, G.A., Robinson, P.W., Simmons, S.E., Crocker, D.E., and Gallo-Reynoso, J.P. | Marine Mammal Science, DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2011.00527.x (2011) |
9/1/2011 | Northern elephant seals adjust gliding and stroking patterns with changes in buoyancy: validation of at-sea metrics of body density | Aoki, K., Watanabe, Y.Y., Crocker, D.E., Robinson, P.W., Biuw, M., Costa, D.P., Miyazaki, N., Fedak, M.A., Miller, P.J.O. | Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 2973-2987 (2011) |
8/10/2011 |
Latitudinal range influences the seasonal variation in the foraging behavior of marine top predators |
Villegas-Amtmann, S., Simmons, S.E., Kuhn, C.E., Hickstadt, L.A., and Costa, D.P. |
PLoS ONE 6(8): e23166. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023166 |
6/22/2011 | Block, B.A., Jonsen, I.D., Winship, A.J., Shaffer, S.A., Bograd, S.J., Hazen, E.L., Foley, D.G., Breed, G.A., Harrison, A.-L., Ganong, J.E., Swithenbank, A., Castleton, M., Dewar, H., Mate, B.R., Shillinger, G.L., Schaefer, K.M., Benson, S.R. Weise, M.J., Henry, R.W., Costa, D.P. |
Nature, doi:
10.1038/news.2011.379 (2011)
6/14/2011 | Convergent evolution in locomotory patterns of flying and swimming animals | Gleiss, A.C., Jorgensen, S.J., Liebsch, N., Sala, J.E., Norman, B., Hays, G.C., Quintana, F., Grundy, E., Campagna, C., Trites, A.W., Block, B.A., Wilson, R.P. |
Nat. Commun. 2:352 doi: 10.1038/ncomms1351 (2011). |
5/11/2011 | Using satellite tracking to optimize protection of long -lived marine species: Olive Ridley sea turtle conservation in Central Africa | Maxwell, S.M., Breed, G.A., Nickel, B.A., Makanga -Bahouna, J., Pemo-Makaya, E., Parnell, R.J., Formia, A., Ngouessono, S., Godley, B.J., Costa, D.P., Witt, M.J., and Coyne, M.S. |
PLoS ONE 6(5): e19905. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019905 |
4/7/2011 | Movement and behaviors of swordfish in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans examined using pop-up satellite archival tags | Dewar, H., Prince, E.D., Musyl, M.K., Brill, R.W., Sepulveda, C., Luo, J., Foley, D., Orbesen, E.S., Domeier, M.L., Nasby-Lucas, N., Snodgrass, D., Laurs, R.M., Hoolihan, J.P., Block, B.A., McNaughton, L.M. |
Fish. Oceanogr. 20:3, 219-241, 2011.
3/23/2011 | Dynamic habitat models: using telemetry data to project fisheries bycatch | Zydelis, R., Lewison, R.L., Shaffer, S.A., Moore, J.E., Boustany, A.M., Roberts, J.J., Sims, M., Dunn, D.C., Best, B.D., Tremblay, Y., Kappes, M.A., Halpin, P.N., Costa, D.P., Crowder, L.B. | Proc. R., Soc. B 2011: 278, 3101-3200 (2011) |
3/9/2011 |
A first estimate of white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, abundance off Central California with Supplement |
Chapple, T.K., Jorgensen, S.J., Anderson, S.D., Kanive, P.E., Klimley, A.P., Botsford, L.W., Block, B.A. | Biology Letters, doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0124 |
3/1/2011 | Long-term individual identification and site fidelity of white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, off California using dorsal fins | Anderson, S.D., Chapple, T.K., Jorgensen, S.J., Klimley, A.P., Block, B.A. | Marine Biology, doi: 10.1007/s00227-011-1643- 5 |
2/15/2011 |
Underwater and surface behavior of homing juvenile northern elephant seals |
Matsumura, M., Watanabe, Y.Y., Robinson, P.W., Miller, P.J.O., Costa, D.P., and Miyazaki, N. |
Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 629-636 (2011) |
1/31/2011 | Vertical and horizontal habitat preferences of post- nesting leatherback turtles in the South Pacific Ocean | Shillinger, G.L., Swithenbank, A.M., Bailey, H.B., Bograd, S.J., Castleton, M.R., Wallace, B.P., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., Piedra, R., Block, B.A. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 422: 275-289, 2011 |
1/25/2011 | Electronic tag programming is critical to data collection for behavioral time-series analysis | Breed, G.A., Costa, D.P., Goebel, M.E., and Robinson, P.W. | Ecosphere 2(1), Article 10: 1-12 (2011) |
7/28/2010 | Warm fish with cold hearts: thermal plasticity of excitation-contraction coupling in bluefin tuna | Shiels, H.A., Di Maio, A., Thompson, S., Block, B.A. |
Proc. R. Soc. B 2011 278: 18-27, 2010. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.1274 |
6/4/2010 | Shearwater foraging in the Southern Ocean: the roles of prey availablity and winds | Raymond, B., Shaffer, S.A., Sokolov, S., Woehler, E.J., Costa, D.P., Einoder, L., Hindell, M., Hosie, G., Pinkerton, M., Sagar, P.M., Scott, D., Smith, A., Thompson, D.R., Vertigan, C., Weimerskirch, H. | PLoS ONE 5(6): e10960. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010960 |
6/3/2010 | Approaches to studying climatic change and its role on the habitat selection of Antarctic pinnipeds | Costa, D.P., Hickstadt, L.A., Crocker, D.E., McDonald, B.I., Goebel, M.E., Fedak, M.A. | Integrative and Comparative Biology, pp. 1-13, doi:10.1093/icb/icq054 |
5/28/2010 | Comparative influence of ocean conditions on yellowfin and Atlantic bluefin tuna catch from longlines in the Gulf of Mexico | Teo, S.L.H. and Block, B.A. | PLoS ONE 5(5): e10756. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010756 |
4/1/2010 | The role of body size in individual-based foraging strategies of a top marine predator | Weise, M.J., Harvey, J.T. and Costa, D.P. | Ecology 91(4): 1004-101, 2010 |
3/22/2010 | Resource partitioning by species but not sex in sympatric boobies in the central Pacific Ocean | Young, H.S., Shaffer, S.A., McCauley, D.J., Foley, D.G., Dirzo, R. and Block, B.A. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 403: 291-301, 2010 |
3/3/2010 | Biologging technologies: new tools for conservation. Introduction | Bograd, S.J., Block, B.A., Costa, D.P., and Godley, B.J. | Endangered Species Research10: 1-7, 2010 |
2/2/2010 | Identification of high-use internesting habitats for eastern Pacific leatherback turtles: role of the environment and implications for conservation |
Shillinger, G.L., Swithenbank, A.M., Bograd, S.J., Bailey, H., Castleton, M.R., Wallace, B.P., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., Piedra, R., and Block, B.A. | Endangered Species Research 10: 233-243, 2010 |
2/2/2010 | Climate-scale hydrographic features related to foraging success in a capital breeder, the northern elephant seal Mirounga angustirostris |
Simmons, S.E., Crocker, D.E., Hassrick, J.L., Kuhn, C.E., Robinson, P.W., Tremblay, Y., and Costa, D.P. | Endangered Species Research 10: 215-232, 2010 |
1/29/2010 | Condition and mass impact to oxygen stores and dive duration in adult female northern elephant seals | Hassrick, J.L., Crocker, D.E., Teutschel, N.M., McDonald, B.I., Robinson, P.W., Simmons, S.E., and Costa, D.P. | Journal of Experimental Biology 213, 585-592 (2010) |
1/15/2010 | Accuracy of ARGOS Locations of Pinnipeds at-Sea Estimated Using Fastloc GPS |
Costa, D.P., Robinson, P.W., Arnould, J.P.Y., Harrison, A., Simmons, S.E., Hassrick, J.L., Hoskins, A.J., Kirkman, S.P., Oosthuizen, H., Villegas-Amtmann, S., and Crocker, D.E. | PLoS ONE 5(1): e8677, 2010 |
12/21/2009 | Habitat use in Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus inferred from diving behavior |
Wilson, S.G., and Block, B.A. | Endangered Species Research 10: 355-367, 2010 |
11/30/2009 | Behavioural estimation of blue whale movements in the Northeast Pacific from state-space model analysis of satellite tracks |
Bailey, H., Mate, B.R., Palacios, D.M., Irvine, L., Bograd, S.J., and Costa, D.P. | Endangered Species Research 10: 93-106, 2010 |
11/4/2009 |
Philopatry and migration of Pacific white sharks (with supplement) |
Jorgensen, S.J., Reeb, C.A., Chapple, T.K., Anderson, S., Perle, C., Van Sommeran, S.R., Fritz-Cope, C., Brown, A.C., Klimley, A.P., and Block, B.A. | Proceedings of the Royal Society B, doi:10:1098/rspb.2009.1155, 2009 |
10/28/2009 | Three-dimensional resting behaviour of northern elephant seals: drifting like a falling leaf | Mitani, Y., Andrews, R.D., Sato, K., Kato, A., Naito, Y., Costa, D.P. | Biology Letters, doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2009.0719, 2009 |
10/1/2009 | Low Synchrony in the Breeding Cycle of Galapagos Sea Lions Revealed by Seasonal Progesterone Concentrations | Villegas-Amtmann, S., Atkinson, S. and Costa, D.P. | Journal of Mammalogy, 90(5):1232-1237, 2009 |
9/28/2009 | Bringing home the trash: do colony-based differences in foraging distribution lead to increased plastic ingestion in Laysan albatrosses? | Young, L.C., Vanderlip, C., Duffy, D.C., Afanasyev, V., Shaffer, S.A. | PLoS ONE 4(10): e7623. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007623, 2009 |
9/28/2009 | Introduction and synthesis: spatial ecology of seabirds at sea | Gonzalez-Solis, J., Shaffer, S.A. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 391: 117-120, 2009 |
9/28/2009 | Spatiotemporal habitat use by breeding sooty shearwaters Puffinus griseus |
Shaffer, S.A., Weimerskirch, H., Scott,D., Pinaud, D., Thompson, D.R., Sagar, P.M., Moller, H., Taylor, G.A., Foley, D.G., Tremblay, Y., Costa, D.P. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 391: 209-220, 2009 |
9/28/2009 | Analytical approaches to investigating seabird-environmental interactions: a review | Tremblay, Y., Bertrand, S., Henry, R.W., Kappes, M.A., Costa, D.P., Shaffer, S.A. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 391: 153-163, 2009 |
9/28/2009 | Species- and sex-specific differences in foraging behaviour and foraging zones in blue-footed and brown boobies in the Gulf of California | Weimerskirch, H., Shaffer, S.A., Tremblay, Y., Costa, D.P., Gadenne, H., Kato, A., Ropert-Coudert, Y., Sato, K., Aurioles,D. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 391: 267-278, 2009 |
09/03/2009 | Effects of geolocation archival tags on reproduction and adult body mass of Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus) | Adams, J., Scott, D., McKechnie, S., Blackwell, G., Shaffer, S.A., and H. Moller | New Zealand Journal of Zoology 36: 355-366, 2009 |
8/15/2009 | Fishing effort redistribution in response to area closures | Powers, J.E., Abeare, S.M. | Fisheries Research 99: 216–225, 2009 |
07/29/2009 | Extreme hypoxemic tolerance and blood oxygen depletion in diving elephant seals | Meir, J.U., Champagne, C.D., Costa, D.P., Williams, C.L., Ponganis, P.J. | J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 2009 |
07/16/2009 | Nutrient and salinity decadal variations in the central and eastern North Pacific |
Di Lorenzo, E., Fiechter, J., Schneider, N., Bracco, A., Miller, A. J., Franks, P. J. S., Bograd, S. J., Moore, A. M., Thomas, A. C., Crawford, W., Peña, A., Hermann, A. J. |
Geophysical Research Letters 36, 2009 |
07/10/2009 | Vertical Movements and Habitat Utilization of Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelami), Yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), and Bigeye (Thunnus obesus) Tunas in the Equatorial Eastern Pacific Ocean, Ascertained Through Archival Tag Data | Schaefer, K.M., Fuller, D.W., Block, B.A. | J.L. Nielsen et al. (eds.), Tagging and Tracking of Marine Animals with Electronic Devices, Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries 9, 2009 |
07/07/2009 | Seasonal Movements, Aggregations and Diving Behavior of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) Revealed with Archival Tags | Walli, A., Teo, S.T.H., Boustany, A., Farwell, C.J., Williams, T., Dewar, H., Prince, E., Block, B.A. | PLoS ONE 4(7): e6151, 2009 |
06/10/2009 | Effect of thermal acclimation on action potentials and sarcolemmal K+ channels from Pacific bluefin tuna cardiomyocytes | Galli, G.L.J., Lipnick, M. S., Block, B.A. | Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 297: R502– R509, 2009 |
05/06/2009 | Estimating chlorophyll profiles from electronic tags deployed on pelagic animals |
Steven L. H. Teo, Raphael M. Kudela, Amber Rais, Chris Perle, Daniel P. Costa, Barbara A. Block |
Aquatic Biology 5: 195-207, 2009 |
04/08/2009 | Expression of Hsp70, Na+/K+ ATP-ase, HIF-1a, IL-1ß and TNF-a in captive Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) after chronic warm and cold exposure | Mladineo, I., Block, B.A. | Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 374: 51–57, 2009 |
03/21/2009 | Phylogeography of California and Galápagos sea lions and population structure within the California sea lion |
Schramm, Y., Mesnick, S.L., de la Rosa, J., Palacios, D.M., Lowry, M.S., Aurioles-Gamboa, D., Snell, H.M., Escorza-Treviño, S. | Mar Biol 156:1375–1387, 2009 |
03/05/2009 | A Parsimonious Approach to Modeling Animal Movement Data | Tremblay, Y., Robinson, P.W., Costa, D.P. | PLoS ONE 4(3): e4711, 2009 |
03/01/2009 | Advances in Conservation Oceanography: New Tagging and Tracking Technologies and Their Potential for Transforming the Science Underlying Fisheries Management | Greene, C.H., Block, B.A., Welch, D., Jackson, G., Lawson, G.L., Rechisky, E.L. | Oceanography Vol.22, No.1, 2009 |
02/27/2009 | Heterologous hybridization to a complementary DNA microarray reveals the effect of thermal acclimation in the endothermic bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) |
Castilho, P.C., Buckley, B.A., Somero, G., Block, B.A. | Molecular Ecology 18: 2092–2102, 2009 |
01/01/2009 | Field validation of an inexpensive time-depth recorder | Robinson, P.W., Villegas-Amtmann, S.V., Costa, D.P. | Marine Mammal Science, 25(1): 199–205, 2009 |
01/01/2009 | Phenology of coastal upwelling in the California Current | Bograd, S.J., Schroeder, I., Sarkar, N., Qiu, X., Sydeman, W.J., Schwing, F.B. | Geophysical Research Letters 36, 2009 |
12/24/2008 | Wind, waves, and wing loading: morphological specialization may limit range expansion of endangered albatrosses | Suryan, R.M., Anderson, D.J., Shaffer, S.A., Roby, D.D., Tremblay, Y., Costa, D.P., Sievert, P.R., Sato, F., Ozaki, K., Galogh, G.R., Nakamura, N. | PLoS ONE 3(12) |
12/19/2008 | Near real time satellite tracking of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) movements in the Pacific Ocean | Holdsworth, J.C., Sippel, T.J., Block, B.A. | Marine Biology 156: 505-514, 2008 |
11/18/2008 | Migration of an upper trophic level predator, the salmon shark Lamna ditropis, between distant ecoregions | Weng, K.C., Foley, D.G., Ganong, J.E., Perle, C., Shillinger, G.L., Block, B.A. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 372: 253-264, 2008 |
10/31/2008 | Natal homing and population structure in Atlantic bluefin tuna | Rooker J., Secor, D., DeMetrio, G.D., Schloesser, R., Block, B.A., Neilson, J.D. | Science 322: 742, 2008 |
09/22/2008 | Foraging behavior of humpback whales: kinematic and respiratory patterns suggest a high cost for a lunge | Goldbogen, J.A., Calambokidis, J., Croll, D.A., Harvey, J.T., Newton, K.M., Oleson, E.M., Schorr, G., Shadwick, R.E. | The Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 3712- 3719, 2008 |
09/10/2008 | A sequential Bayesian methodology to estimate movement and exploitation rates using electronic and conventional tag data: application to Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) | Kurota, H., McAllister, M.K., Lawson, G.L., Nogueira, J.I., Teo, S.L.H., Block, B.A. | Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 66: 321-342, 2009 |
08/19/2008 | Southern Ocean frontal structure and sea-ice formation rates revealed by elephant seals |
Charrassin, J.-B., Hindell, M., Rintoul, S.R., Roquet, F., Sokolov, S., Biuw, M., Costa, D., Boehme, L., Lovell, P., Coleman, R., Timmermann, R., Meijers, A., Meredith, M., Park, Y.-H., Bailleul, F., Goebel, M., Tremblay, Y., Bost, C.-A., McMahon, C.R., Field, I.C., Fedak, M.A., Guinet, C. | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (33): 11634-11639, 2008 |
07/29/2009 | Untangling the relationships among climate, prey and top predators in an ocean ecosystem |
Wells, B.K., Field, J.C., Thayer, J.A., Grimes, C.B., Bograd, S.J., Sydeman, W.J., Schwing, F.B., Hewitt, R. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 364: 15-29, 2008 |
07/15/2008 | Persistent leatherback turtle migrations present opportunities for conservation | Shillinger G.L., Palacios D.M., Bailey H., Bograd S.J., Swithenbank A.M. | PLoS Biology |
07/15/2008 | Multiple foraging strategies in a marine apex predator, the Galapagos sea lion Zalophus wollebaeki |
Villegas-Amtmann, S., Costa, D.P., Tremblay, Y., Salazar, S., Aurioles-Gamboa, D. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 363: 299-309, 2008 |
06/28/2008 | Oxygen declines and the shoaling of the hypoxic boundary in the California Current | Bograd, S.J., Castro, C.G., Di Lorenzo, E., Palacios, D.M., Bailey, H., Gilly, W., Chavez, F.P. | Geophysical Research Letters 35, 2008 |
04/30/2008 | North Pacific Gyre Oscillation links ocean climate and ecosystem change |
Di Lorenzo, E., Schneider, N., Cobb, K.M., Franks, P.J., Chhak, K., Miller, A.J., McWilliams, J.C., Bograd, S.J., Arango, H., Curchister, E., Powell, T.M., Riviere, P. | Geophysical Research Letters 35, 2008 |
03/28/2008 | Application of tracking and data-logging technology in research and conservation of seabirds |
Burger, A.E., Shaffer, S.A. | The Auk 125(2): 253-264, 2008 |
03/03/2008 | Identifying and comparing phases of movement by leatherback turtles using state-space models | Bailey, H., Shillinger, G., Palacios, D, Bograd, S., Spotila, J., Paladino, F., Block, B. | Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 356, 128-135, 2008 |
02/29/2008 | An oceanographic context for the foraging ecology of eastern Pacific leatherback turtles: Consequences of ENSO | Saba, V.S., Shillinger, G.L., Swithenbank, A.M., Block, B.A., Spotila, J.R., Musick, J.A., Paladino, F.V. | Deep-Sea Research I 55: 646-660, 2008 |
2008 | Time to eat: measurements of feeding behaviour in a large marine predator, the northern elephant seal Mirounga angustirostris | Kuhn, C.E., Crocker, D.E., Tremblay, Y., Costa, D.P. | Journal of Animal Ecology, 2008 |
12/27/2007 | Fine-scale habitat selection of crabeater seals as determined by diving behavior | Burns, J.M., Hindell, M.A., Bradshaw, C.J.A., Costa, D.P. | Deep-Sea Research II 55: 500-514, 2008 |
12/23/2007 | Upper ocean variability in west Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf waters as measured using instrumented seals | Costa, D.P., Klinck, J.M., Hofmann, E.E., Dinniman, M.S., Burns, J.M. | Deep-Sea Research II 55: 323-337, 2008 |
10/17/2007 | Small-Scale Fisheries Bycatch Jeopardizes Endangered Pacific Loggerhead Turtles | Peckham, H.S., Diaz, D.M., Walli, A., Ruiz, G., Crowder, L.B., Nichols, W.J. | PLoS ONE, 2007 |
09/27/2007 | Linking foraging behaviour of the northern elephant seal with oceanography and bathymetry at mesoscales | Simmons, S. E., Crocker, D.E., Kudela, R.M., Costa, D.P. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 346: 265-275, 2007 |
09/19/2007 | Temperature effects on metabolic rate of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis | Blank, J.M., Morrissette, J.M., Farwell, C.J., Price, M., Schallert, R.J., Block, B.A. | The Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 4254- 4261, 2007 |
09/07/2007 | Patterns and controls of chlorophyll-a and primary productivity cycles in the Southern California Bight |
Mantyla, A.W., Bograd, S.J., Venrick, E.L. | Journal of Marine Systems 73: 48–60, 2008 |
08/23/2007 | Striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) movements and habitat utilization during a summer and autumn in the Southwest Pacific Ocean | Sippel, T.J., Davie, P.S., Holdsworth J.C., Block, B.A. | Fisheries Oceanography 16: 459-472, 2007 |
08/21/2007 | Variations in behavior and condition of a Southern Ocean top predator in relation to in situ oceanographic conditions | Biuw, M, Boehme, L, Guinet, C., Hindell, M., Costa, D., Charrassin, J.-B., Roquet, F., Bailleul, F., Meredith, M., Thorpe, S., Tremblay, Y., McDonald, B., Park, Y.-H., Rintoul, S.R., Bindoff, N., Goebel, M., Crocker, D., Lovell, P., Nicholson, J., Monks, F., Fedak, M.A. | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (34): 13705-13710, 2007 |
08/21/2007 | Remotely sensed spawning habitat of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) and Northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) within the California Current | Reiss, C.S., Checkley Jr., D.M., Bograd, S.J. | Fish. Oceanogr. 17 (2): 126–136, 2008 |
07/17/2007 | Migration and habitat of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the eastern Pacific Ocean |
Weng, K.C., Boustany, A.M., Pyle, P., Anderson, S.D., Brown, A., Block, B.A. | Marine Biology, Online First |
06/21/2007 | Movements, behavior, and habitat utilization of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, ascertained through archival tag data | Schaefer, K.M., Fuller, D.W., Block, B.A. | Marine Biology, Online First |
05/24/2007 | Movements, behavior and habitat preferences of juvenile white sharks Carcharodon carcharias in the eastern Pacific. |
Weng, K.C., O’Sullivan, J.B., Lowe, C.G., Winkler, C.E., Dewar, H., Block, B.A. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 338: 211-224, 2007 |
03/20/2007 | Annual migrations, diving behavior, and thermal biology of Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus, thynnus, on their Gulf of Mexico breeding grounds | Teo, S.L.H., Boustany, A., Dewar, H., Stokesbury, M.J.W., Weng, K.C., Beemer, S., Seitz, A.C., Farwell, C.J., Prince, E.D., Block, B.A. | Marine Biology, Volume 151, 1-18, 2007 |
03/20/2007 | Influence of Swimming Speed on Metabolic Rates of Juvenile Pacific Bluefin Tuna and Yellowfin Tuna | Blank, J.M., Farwell, C.J., Morrissett, J.M., Schallert, R.J., Block, B.A. | Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 80(2): 167 -177, 2007 |
03/15/2007 | Fractal landscape method: an alternative approach to measuring area-restricted searching behavior | Tremblay, Y., Roberts, A. J., Costa, D.P. | The Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 935-945, 2007 |
03/12/2007 | Diving behavior of sperm whales in relation to behavior of a major prey species, the jumbo squid, in the Gulf of California, Mexico | Davis, R.W., Jaquet, N., Gendron, D., Markaida, U., Bazzino, G., Gilly, W. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 333: 291-302, 2007 |
03/03/2007 | Biological and physical forcings of late summer chlorophyll blooms at 30°N in the oligotrophic Pacific | Wilson, C, Villareal, T.A., Maximenko, N., Bograd, S.J., Montoya, J.P., Schoenbaechler, C.A. | Journal of Marine Systems 69: 164-176, 2008 |
01/25/2007 | Behavioral context of call production by eastern North Pacific blue whales | Oleson, Erin M., Calambokidis, John, Burgess, William C., McDonald, Mark A., LeDuc, Carrie A., Hildebrand, John A. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 330: 269-284, 2007 |
01/15/2007 | Diving Physiology of Marine Vertebrates | Costa, Daniel P. | Encyclopedia of Life Sciences |
2007 | Horizontal and vertical migrations of Dosidicus gigas in the Gulf of California revealed by electronic tagging | Gilly, W.R. | in Robert J. Olson and Jock W. Young (Eds.). 2007. The role of squid in open ocean ecosystems. Report of a GLOBEC-CLIOTOP/PFRP workshop, 16-17 November 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. GLOBEC Report 24: vi, pp. 3-9 |
2007 | Perspectives on Dosidicus gigas in a changing world | Gilly, W.R., Markaida, U. | in Robert J. Olson and Jock W. Young (Eds.). 2007. The role of squid in open ocean ecosystems. Report of a GLOBEC-CLIOTOP/PFRP workshop, 16-17 November 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. GLOBEC Report 24: vi, pp. 81-90 |
2007 | Swimming speed and foraging strategies of northern elephant seals | Hassrick, J. L., D. E. Crocker, R. L. Zeno, S. B. Blackwell, D. P. Costa, and B. J. Le Boeuf. | Deep Sea Research II 54: 369-383, 2007 |
2007 | Horizontal and vertical movement of bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus orientalis, in relationship to oceanography | Kitagawa, T., Boustany, A., Farwell, C., Williams, T. D., Castleton, M., Block, B. A. | Fisheries Oceanography 16:5, 409-421, 2007 |
2007 | Southern Hemisphere humpback whales wintering off Central America: insights from water temperature into the longest mammalian migration | Rasmussen, K., D.M. Palacios, J. Calambokidis, M. Saborio, L. Dalla-Rosa, E. Secchi, G. Steiger, J. Allen, and G. Stone. | Biology Letters |
2007 | A comparison of indirect measures of feeding behaviour based on ARGOS tracking data | Robinson, P. W., Y. Tremblay, D. E. Crocker, M. A. Kappes, C. E. Kuhn, S. A. Shaffer, S. E. Simmons, and D. P. Costa. | Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 54: 356-368, 2007 |
2007 | Stroke frequency, but not swimming speed, is related to body size in free-ranging seabirds, pinnipeds and cetaceans | Sato, K., Y. Watanuki, A. Takahashi, P. Miller, H. Tanaka, R. Kawabe, P. Ponganis, Y. Handrich, T. Akamatsu, Y. Watanabe, Y. Mitani, D. Costa, C. Bost, K. Aoki, M. Amano, P. Trathan, A. Shapiro, and Y. Naito. | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Science 274: 471-477, 2007 |
2007 | Total body oxygen stores and physiological diving capacity of California sea lions as a function of sex and age | Weise, M. J. and D. P. Costa | Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 278-289, 2007 |
2006 | Impact of El Niño on the foraging behavior of female northern elephant seals | Crocker, D. E., Costa, D. P., Le Boeuf, B. J., Webb, P. M., and Houser, D. S. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 309: 1-10, 2006 |
2006 | Spawning by jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas in the San Pedro Martir Basin, Gulf of California, Mexico | Gilly, W. F., C. Elliger, C. Salinas, S. Camarillo-Coop, G. Bazzino and M. Beman. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 313: 125-133, 2006 |
2006 | Identifying and quantifying prey consumption using stomach temperature change: a comparison between a seal and sea lion species. | Kuhn, C.E. and Costa, D.P. | Journal of Experimental Biology 209: 4524-4532, 2006 |
2006 | Spring-time distributions of migratory marine birds in the southern California Current: Oceanic eddy associations and coastal habitat hot spots over 17 years. | Yen, P. P. W., Sydeman, W. J., Bograd, S. J. and Hyrenbach, K. D. | Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53: 399-418, 2006 |
2006 | A Database for the Study of Marine Mammal Behavior: Gap Analysis, Data Standardization, and Future Directions | Shaffer. S.A. and Costa, D.P. | IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering 31: 82-86, 2006 |
11/10/2006 | Movement and diving behavior of male California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) during anomalous oceanographic conditions of 2005 | Michael J. Weise, Daniel P. Costa, and Raphael M. Kudela | Geophysical Research Letters 33: L22S10, 2006 |
10/23/2006 | Vertical and horizontal migrations by the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas revealed by electronic tagging | W. F. Gilly1,*, U. Markaida2, C. H. Baxter1, B. A. Block1, A. Boustany1, L. Zeidberg1, K. Reisenbichler3, B. Robison3, G. Bazzino4, C. Salinas4 | Marine Ecology Progress Series 324: 1-17, 2006 |
08/16/2006 | Migratory shearwaters integrate oceanic resources across the Pacific Ocean in an endless summer | Scott A. Shaffer, Yann Tremblay, Henri Weimerskirch, Darren Scott, David R. Thompson, Paul M. Sagar, Henrik Moller, Graeme A. Taylor, David G. Foley, Barbara A. Block, and Daniel P. Costa | The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103: 12799-12802, 2006 |
04/27/2006 | Oceanographic characteristics of biological hot spots in the North Pacific: A remote sensing perspective. | Palacios, D.M., S.J. Bograd, D.G. Foley, and F.B. Schwing | Deep-Sea Research II 53(3-4):250-269, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2006.03.004. |
03/24/2006 | Interpolation of animal tracking data in a fluid environment | Tremblay, Y., Shaffer, S.A., Fowler, S.L., Kuhn, C.E., McDonald, B.I., Weise, M.J., Bost, C-A., Weimerskirch, H., Crocker, D.E., Goebel M.E., Costa, D.P. | The Journal of Experimental Biology 209: 128-140, 2006 |
2005 | A census of Tehuantepec and Papagayo eddies in the northeastern tropical Pacific | Palacios, D. M., and S. J. Bograd | Geophysical Research Letters 32: L23606, 2005 |
10/10/2005 | Bioenergetics and diving activity of internesting leatherback turtles Dermochelys coriacea at Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas, Costa Rica | Wallace, B.P., Williams, C.L., Paladino, F.V., Morreale, S.J., Lindstrom R.T., Spotila, J.R. | The Journal of Experimental Biology 208: 3873- 3884, 2005 |
10/07/2005 | Satellite Tagging and Cardiac Physiology Reveal Niche Expansion in Salmon Sharks | Weng, K. C., Landiera, A., Castilho, P. C., Holts, D. B., Morrissette, J. M., Schallert, R. J., Goldman, K. J., and Block, B. A. | Science 310: 104-106, 2005 |
05/26/2005 | Comparison of light- and SST-based geolocation with satellite telemetry in free-ranging albatrosses | Shaffer, S.A., Tremblay, Y., Awkerman, J.A., Henry, R.W., Teo, S.L.H., Anderson, D.J., Croll, D.A., Block, B.A., Costa, D.P. | Marine Biology 147: 833-843, 2005 |
05/16/2005 | Physiological Ecology in the 21st Century: Advancements in Biologging Science | Block, B.A. | Integrative and Comparative Biology 45:305–320, 2005 |
04/28/2005 | Electronic tagging and population structure of Atlantic bluefin tuna | Block, B.H., Teo, S.L.H., Walli, A., Boustany, A., Stokesbury, M.J.W., Farwell, C.J., Weng, K.C., Dewar, H., Williams, T.D. | Nature 434: 1121-1127, 2005 |
03/01/2005 | Tagging Studies on the jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the Gulf of California, Mexico | Markaida Rosenthal, J. J. C., and Gilly, W. F. | Fishery Bulletin 103:219-226, 2005 |
2004 | When does physiology limit the foraging behavoir of freely diving mammals? | Costa, D.P., Kuhn, C.E., Weise, M.J., Shaffer, S.A., Arnould, J.P.Y. | International Congress Series 1275: 359-366 (2004) |
2004 | Shaffer, Scott; Costa, Dan | Tracking Ocean Wanderers: Results from the Global Procellariiform Tracking Workshop, 1–5 September, 2003, BirdLife International | |
2004 | Regional Summaries: North Pacific | Shaffer, Scott; Costa, Dan; Suryan, Rob; Hyrenbach, David | Tracking Ocean Wanderers: Results from the Global Procellariiform Tracking Workshop, 1–5 September, 2003, BirdLife International |
2004 | Annex B - A Database for the Study of Marine Mammal Behaviour: A Tool to Define Their Critical Habitat and Behaviour | Costa, Dan; Shaffer, Scott | Tracking Ocean Wanderers: Results from the Global Procellariiform Tracking Workshop, 1–5 September, 2003, BirdLife International |
2004 | On the seasonal and interannual migrations of the transition zone chlorophyll front | Bograd, S. J., Foley, D. G., Schwing, F. B., Wilson, C., Laurs, R. M., Polovina, J. J., Howell, E. A. and Brainard, R. E. | Geophysical Research Letters 31, 2004 |
12/30/2004 | Validation of geolocation estimates based on light level and sea surface temperature from electronic tags | Teo, S.L.H., Boustany, A., Blackwell, S., Walli, A.,Weng, K.C., Block, B.A. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 283: 81–98, 2004 |
10/20/2003 | Diel vertical migration of the bigeye thresher shark (Alopias superciliosus), a species possessing orbital retia mirabilia | Weng, K.C., Block, B.A. | Fisheries Bulletin 102: 221-229, 2004 |
10/15/2003 | Field physiology: Physiological insights from animals in nature | Costa, D.P., Sinervo, B. | Annual Reviews of Physiology 66: 209-238, 2003 |
09/02/2003 | Insights into young of the year white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, behavior in the Southern California Bight | Dewar, H., Domeier, M., Nasby-Lucas, N. | Environmental Biology of Fishes 70: 133–143, 2004. |
05/06/2003 | Revealing Pelagic Habitat Use: The Tagging of Pacific Pelagics Program | Block, B.A., Costa, D.P., Boehlert, G.W., Kochevar, R.E. | Oceanologica Acta 25: 255–266, 2003 |
01/03/2002 | Satellite tagging: Expanded niche for white sharks | Boustany, A.M., Davis, S.F., Pyle, P., Anderson, S.D., Le Boeuf, B.J., Block, B.A. | Nature, Vol. 415: 35 - 36, 2002 |
11/01/2001 | Autonomous Pinniped Environmental Samples: Using Instrumented Animals as Oceanographic Data Collectors. | Boehlert, G.W., Costa, D.P., Crocker, D.E., Green, P., O’Brien, T., Levitus, S., LeBoeuf, B.J. | Journal of Atmosphere and Ocean Technology 18: 1882-1893, 2001 |
08/17/2001 | Migratory movements, depth preferences and thermal biology of Atlantic bluefin tuna | Block, B.A., Dewar, H., Blackwell, S.B., Williams, T., Prince, E. Boustany, A.M., Farwell, C., D. J. Fudge, D. J., Seitz, A | Science 293: 1310-1314, 2001 |
10/09/2000 | Respiration and Heart rate at the surface between dives in northern elephant seals | LeBoeuf, B.J., Crocker, D.E., Grayson, J., Gedamke, J., Webb, J.M., Blackwell, S.B. and Costa, D.P. | Journal Experimental Biology 203: 3265-3274, 2000 |
12/01/1999 | The role of physiology in the behavior of diving mammals: Insights from animals in nature | Costa, D. P. | European Undersea Baromedical Society, Proceedings 99: 233-239, 1999 |
08/01/1998 | A new satellite technology for tracking the movements of Atlantic bluefin tuna | Block, B.A., H. Dewar, C. Farwell, and E.D. Prince | Proceedings National Academy Sciences USA, 95: 9384-9389, 1998 |